by travels_options





Current Valid Passport:- A Current Valid passport should be presented along with any old passports attached to the application.
One Passport Size Color Photo:- Photo should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm, White Background MAT Finish Paper Quality with 80% face visible.
Evidence of your permission to apply from any country:- This can be your Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Election I.D, Birth Certificate or any other Govt issued I.D.
Previous Passports:- If you have any previous passports please submit with the application.
Evidence of Marital Status:- This could include a marriage certificate, a civil partnership, a divorce certificate, or a death certificate of spouse.
Evidence of your current employment or studies:- This could include:
  • A letter from your employer on company letter head detailing your salary and length of employment, confirming that you have been given time off work, and stating whether this time off is paid or unpaid. You should consider submitting additional documents which could support an employment letter, pay slips, or tax returns. If you have recently entered a new employment you should consider providing details of previous employment and salary history.
  • A letter from your education institute on letter head confirming your enrolment and leave of absence.
  • If owned business then, business registration documents, confirming the business owner’s name and date when the business was started.
  • If partnership firm then a partnership deed copy confirming the business owner’s names (name of partners) with then date when the business was started.
  • Company registration document can be a Ghumasta License or registrar of company letter. If working as a Director or Chairman of any Pvt sector company then Memorandum of Association of the firm clearly stating the name with designation, and when did you start working as a Director or Chairman of the firm.
Bank Statement or Bank books:- Showing what has been paid in and paid out for up to six months and naming the account holder. If you have made deposits in your account that are not in keeping with the account history you may wish to explain origins of such transfers.
Bank letter or balance certificate :- Showing the account holder’s name and balance with date on which account was opened.
Pay slips:- You can show either salary slip for the last 6 months, or if salary is directly credited to your bank accounts and then accounts summary copy.
Tax Returns :- Income tax Return attested for the last 3 accounting year.
Income tax Return attested for the last 3 accounting year. :- This includes property deeds, mortgage statements, tenancy agreements, accountant’s letter, land registration documents or crop receipts in case of farm Land.
Accommodation and Return travel booking :- This could be:
  • Hotel Confirmation Voucher
  • Air Tickets Return flight reservation
  • Travel Agent Confirmation
Fixed Deposits or Investments :- This includes Fixed Deposits in your name or joint, Investments in Shares or stocks or Mutual Fund Investment statement.